“In the last decade or so, science has discovered a tremendous amount about the role emotions play in our lives. Researchers have found that even more than IQ, your emotional awareness and abilities to handle feelings will determine our success and happiness in all walks of life, including family relationships.” — John Gottman
We have been working with the Feeling Buddies from Conscious Discipline to learn more about our emotions and positive ways to respond to them.
We have been practicing the following breaths:
Star Breath:
I Smile, Take a deep breath, And Relax.
I put my hands on my head. I take a deep breath and fill up my balloon. I let the air out slowly with a fun pbpbpbpbpb sound.
I cross my legs. I cross my arms. I put my tongue on the roof of my mouth. I take a deep breath into my belly.
I hold my arms out straight and squeeze them tight as I breathe in. I relax my fists and breathe out with a shhhhshshsh sound.
We are learning how to accept our emotional states instead of pushing them away by offering empathy to our chosen Feeling Buddy and, in turn, learning self-regulatory self-talk.
Example - "Hello, Angry. Welcome, Angry. Your eyes are going like this. Your mouth is going like this. You seem angry. Breathe with me, Angry. You're safe. You wanted things to go differently. You can handle this. Let's take another deep breath."
We are learning how to turn on our thinking brain with de-stressing activities: drawing a picture, reading a calming book, or a hand massage with one of our plant-based creams - Arnica Boo Boo Cream, Rescue Remedy Cranky Cream or Lavender Concentration Cream.
We made chocolate hearts for Valentines Day! Check out our blog from last year for the recipe.
The exercises below are a wonderful hands on approach to learning about geometry and spatial relationships.
Will adding salt to the water make the egg float? Kids dissolved enough salt into the water that the water became heavier than the eggs. Then the eggs started to float.
How can we get a balloon to fly in a straight line using a balloon, string, a drinking straw and tape? Kids problem solved to get the balloon to rocket across the yard.