Pit one cup of dates and blend with 2 cups of oats, 2 cups of walnuts, 1/4 tsp salt, and 1/4 tsp vanilla in a vitamix blender.
Gently press the nut-date-oat mixture into a pie plate - be sure to get it into all the corners. Let chill for 2 hours in the refrigerator (or overnight). This is such a delicious and easy pie crust that is great for a lot of different no-bake recipes.
Blend together 1 tbsp chia seeds, 2 cups of pre-soaked hazelnuts, 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/2 cup maple syrup, 1/3 cup cacao, 1/2 cup almond milk, and 1/2 tsp salt. Gently spread hazelnut mixture into the chilled pie crust and chill for 2 more hours.
For the top pudding layer - blend together 2 avocados, 2 bananas, 1/4 cup coconut oil, 1/2 cup cacao, 1/2 cup maple syrup, 1 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tsp salt. Spread the chocolate pudding layer on top of the hazelnut layer and chill another 2 hours. This pudding is also delicious just by itself!
Kindra and her husband John are amazing Natural Builders! Check out their website: www.claysandstraw.com
Rachel Carson
Planet Earth Watercolors
We created some beautiful earth paintings with coffee filters, washable markers, and a spray bottle with a variety of earth models. Some of the kids were really surprised to learn that the earth has more water than land.
We colored and cut out continents to create a Pangaea puzzle...
We created a color matching game to help the kids see how this occurred.
The energy that makes continents move is also what makes volcanoes erupt. The kids loved creating a volcano with rocks, sand, vinegar, and baking soda.
The heat and pressure that causes volcanoes is also what causes crystals to form.
We explored a variety of rocks and crystals on the light table...
The season of Late Summer is represented by the Earth Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine and a harmonious time to eat nutritious sweet foods like: Steamed Sweet Rice, Chickpeas with Coconut Butter, and Garden Butternut Stew.
In Yoga and Movement class we have been paying respect to the earth with our bodies! The following movements were inspired by Martha Belknap's poem in Mind-Body-Magic.
"I bow to Mother Earth" (forward bend, hands to the earth)
We have been reading the awesome book "On Earth" by G. Brian Karas to learn how the earth moves around the sun to create our days, nights, months and seasons. Highly recommend it! This young scientist was able to point out the earth in this picture of our solar system. All those blue and green watercolors really helped us learn how to identify our planet!
On September 23 we learned about the Autumn Equinox by coloring and cutting our planet earths and then surrounding them with an equal amount of suns and moons to symbolize that the equinox means that night and day are almost exactly the same length.
Okra Stamps
We explored different stages of the growth cycle of an okra plant and then created star stamps from them with paint made from beet powder!
We explored gravity and velocity while strengthening our fine motor and concentration skills with this fun marble race!
We have been learning about the healing powers of elderberries with the Herb Fairies this month! Elderberries have been shown in scientific studies to reduce inflammation, fight viral infections, and boost the immune system. Check out these studies done by the University of Maryland Medical Center:
Making our own medicine was an excellent example of how you can take a simple Montessori excercise of measuring and pouring and transform it into a rich, dynamic learning experience that the children will remember for years to come.