We harvested and scrubbed clean 4 garden carrots.
Grate the carrots. The kids showed some great teamwork as they helped eachother with the grater.
Juice 4 limes and add lime juice to the grated carrots.
Add 1/4 cup currants to the carrot mixture.
Add 1/2 cup (unsweetened) coconut flakes.
Add 1/4 cup coconut oil and an optional 2 TBS honey. We did not add any honey as the garden carrots are so fresh and sweet :)
Mix together all ingredients. Drop your spoon in the dirt? That's OK! We used a carrot as our stiriing utensil!
Yum! The kids loved this simple salad!
Planting Seeds
"What helps the garden grow?"
"Sun, rain, butterflies, and love"

3 weeks ago we made a cloud in a bottle by puting very warm water in a bottle added some smoke and changing the air pressure. A young scientist asked if we could make a colored cloud.
So, we tried to!
We first all made our own hypothesis, then we added green food coloring to the previous experiment.

Photos by 6 year old:)
Discussion: Why does the green just stay in the liquid water?
Because when water evaporates it leaves behind any molecules that are not water.
Can we make a water filter from our yard?
We layered sand, leaves, gravel, wood mulch, green grass, juniper bark, and ball moss into an invertered plastice bottle. We put in muddy water and it came out almost clear. Not good enough for drinking though.
Which chemical reaction will cause bubbles to rise the highest,
baking soda and lime juice or baking soda and vinegar?
The kids measured equal volumes for each reactant.
"What is your hypothesis?"
Baking soda and vinegar below!
The sugar in the lime juice help the bubbles get tall.
The vinegar had a much faster reaction, spilling all over the table.