Buttons, Wire, Tape, Paper Clips, and Ribbon
Each child went home with a paper bag with their name on it and instructions for what types of materials to look for to further study how materials can fuel ideas and thinking.
- Picks up loose parts and explores it.
- Transports loose parts from one location to another.
- Drops loose parts into containers.
- Gathers loose parts in a container.
- Pushes containers of loose parts from one location to another.
- Can shovel or scoop up loose parts.
- Can pour loose parts from one container to another.
- Lines up loose parts make a vertical or horizontal line.
- Stacks 7 or more loose parts.
- Orders loose parts by some common attribute (color, size, shape, texture, etc.).
- Sorts loose parts by common attribute (color, size, shape, texture, etc.)
- Moves loose parts into racing or flying.
- Names the loose parts creation or use.
- Creates enclosures with loose parts.
- Builds structures vertically and horizontally.
- Writes and/or draws about loose parts creation.
- Creates intentional structures with clear purpose or idea.
- Creates detailed settings with loose parts.
- Has a distinct theme to the play with loose parts.
- Uses loose parts to help define play role
- Uses loose parts to create and execute an elaborate idea.
- Can transform any loose part into a specific use and purpose in a larger play theme or theory.

Velcro Rollers
Magic Massage
Self massage is restorative. Magic Massage stimulates the blood flow to the brain which helps improve concentration skills, while the muscle massage soothes and releases tension.
Allow your arms to be loose and floppy so that they wrap around the front and back of your body as you turn side to side. Notice if there is something you would like to wash out - anger, hurt, feelings, worries? As you swing from side to side, imagine you can feel those things being washed out and away from your body and down into the ground.
Such a fun way to release tension, negativity, or excess energy! With your hands in front of your heart notice if you are carrying around any anger or excess energy inside. Let it bubble up out of your heart into your hands. With an exhale forcefully explode your volcano, making the sound "Pssssh!". Imagine the hot lava leaving your body and mind.
Lift your left knee to your right elbow. Lower and switch sides. As you continue from side to side repeat the following song:
"Opposite elbow,
Opposite knee.
I stand up strong,
just like a tree.
I use my mind,
and body,
and breath,
To focus myself,
and do my BEST!"
This movement crosses the midline of the body and coordinates the information flow between both sides of the brain.
Singing Stars