S - Science (experiments, observations, predictions, inquiry skills)
T - Technology (using tools, being inventive, understanding how things work)
E - Engineering (solving problems, designing and building things that work)
A - Arts (creativity, design, open ended activities, music and language arts)
M - Math (sequencing, patterning, matching, exploring shapes, volume, and size)
When we integrate STEAM into everyday play and learning we help support and encourage the innovators of tomorrow!
This winter we explored COLOR with a STEAM lens. Check out our awesome projects!
Psychedelic Snowflakes
When the plants and skies start to look gray and dreary outside, it's time to bring more color to our inside projects. These snowflakes were inspired by Babble Dabble Do - a great resource for creative activities that include a STEAM curriculum.
Step 1: Take a coffee filter and fold it in 1/2.

Learning about the Color Wheel with DIY Color Spinners
On one side of the spinner was the basic color wheel and the kids designed their own colors and patterns on the other side.
White light is made up of all the colors of the rainbow!
Exploring CD's with Flashlights to See How Refraction Creates Colors
Combining Primary Colors to Create Secondary Colors
Turn natural materials into interesting paintbrushes! Notice the different textures created by the materials.
These oil and watercolor projects were a great experiment in learning how oil and water don't mix... and they produced a beautiful effect.
We used this art spinner to mix blue and yellow. The kids were fascinated as the centrifugal forces drew the wet paint outwards, creating intricate designs.
Rainbow Milk Science Experiment
The molecules of soap interact with the fat molecules of milk and disperse the food coloring into beautiful swirls. Check out Steve Spangler Science for detailed instructions to try at home. The kids ask to do this experiment over and over :)
Carl Sagan
Geometry Collage
We put together different colors of rectangles, squares, and triangles into our own unique designs.
Color Matching
We loved these fun cards and looked for matching colors in our environment.
Self Portraits with Color
We used mirrors and watercolors to create these fun self portraits.
ABC's with Rainbow Kids Yoga
Here we are spelling BLUE!
Rainbow Chakra Affirmation Song!
Red - I'm Powerful
Orange - I'm Joyful
Yellow - I know I can
Green - I'm Loving
Indigo - I'm Smart
Violet - I'm Understanding
I'm a Rainbow!
Engineering with blocks, tires, ramps, and balls!
Technology - These Snap Circuits are a really fun way to introduce more advanced technology projects.
Cooking is a wonderful STEAM activity!
Science - Observing changes when combining wet and dry, and applying heat
Technology - Using tools; whisks, blenders, scoops, ovens
Engineering - What's the most efficient way to get the mix into the muffin pan?
Arts - Presentation, choosing ingredients, celebrating customs
Math - Measuring, volume, counting, following a sequence
Check out the recipe for these superfood Applesauce Muffins on our May 2016 blog!
Take a look at this STEM Guide from the Boston Children's Museum for lots of ways you can incorporate STEM and STEAM learning at home!
Happy STEAMing!