A few summers ago our family (Ben, Morna, and Liam) went to Oaxaca, Mexico at the Calli Language School for a whole summer of Homestay Spanish Immersion. We lived, breathed, and ate Spanish for months and from that experience Hola Yoga was born. Here are some of our favorite classes for you to practice at home!
"Hola Cielo"
"Hola Tierra"
"Reir como una mariposa"
"Crecer fuerte como un árbol"
"Brilla como una estrella"
"Florita, florita, porque eres chiquita?
Little flower, little flower, why are you so small?"
"Crece, crece, crece
Grow, grow, grow"
"Florita, florita, la vida es bonita.
Little flower, little flower, life is beautiful.
"I bow to Mother Earth
Me inclino ante la Madre Tierra"
"I lift to Father Sky
Levanto al Cielo Padre"
"I open to the sun
Me abro al sol"
"And the clouds floating by
y las nubes flotando por"
"I welcome the rain
Doy la bienvenida a la lluvia"
"that flows to the sea
que fluye hacia el mar"
"I honor the kindness
Honro la bondad"
"In you
En ti"
"And in me
Y en mi"
Lar naranjas"
El cilantro"
La col rizada"
Mix together 1 cup of nut butter
mezclar una taza de mantequilla de nueces
1/2 cup of almond flour
media taza de harina de almendras
1/2 cup of shredded coconut
media taza de coco rallado
1 TBS honey
una cucharada de miel
1 tsp vanilla extract
una cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
and a pinch of salt
y una picza de sal
Make balls and rolled in shredded coconut
Hacer bolitas y enrollarlas en coco rallado