Learning to use a magnifying glass is one of our favorite nature table activities!
Flower Arranging
Rhythms of Play
Flower Still Life
Drying Flowers
Dried Flower Composition
Flowers and Famous Artists
Andy Goldsworthy Flower Projects
Monet Flower Puzzles
Montessori Flower Puzzle
Flower Geometry
Banana Flower Snacks
Flower Watercolors
Marigold Prints
Flower Diagram
"Why do plants have roots?"
"To keep from getting pulled up"
"The roots are like little straws that drink water from the soil"
"Why do plants have leaves?"
"They get energy from the sun to make food for the plant. When we eat plants we are eating stored sunshine"
"Why do plants have flowers?"
"To make seeds."
"Why do plants have seeds?"
"To make little baby plants and the circle of life continues!"
Seed to Flower Yoga
"Florita, florita, porque eres chiquita?
Little flower, little flower, why are you so small?
Grow, grow, grow"
Little flower, little flower, life is beautiful.
Conscious Discipline Breathing
Edible Flowers
Spring Equinox
The following experiment explains how seasons work:
We used a globe with a tilt, a heat lamp, and a digital infrared thermometer to see how the tilt of the Earth and the position of the Earth in it's orbit around the sun effect the globe's surface temperature in Austin. We modeled the position of the Earth and Sun for the spring equinox, the autumn equinox, the summer solstice and the winter solstice and measured the different temperatures of Austin on the globe.
This hands on experience really helped the kids understand how the different intensities of light affect the temperature in Austin!